Profile banner for toaxd



ToaxD streams Minecraft, Just Chatting and DUCK: Dangerous Ultimate Cartridge Kidnapper.


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!spawnobject toast (this will spawn the object toast change "toast" for one of the objects of the image) !dropobject toast (will drop any object that contains the "toast" in its name) Throw frog

VTuber app (VTube T-Box)

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Click the image to go to a page to download the latest build of my app


!ct p1,p2 (mod only command changes texture [p2] on index p1) !spawnobject (in the first pannel) !dropobject (in the first pannel) !time (show the time on my timezone) !TTS (Vips can use this to read whatever follows) !download (download link for vtuber app) also words like : Sans,Toast,Cookie,EZ, !media (when media share is open) !backinmyday (makes me grayscale) !bitestrength (changes how many pieces of food fall when i bite food) !food (lists all objects which are food) !Avatar (avatar name[Toaxd_SP, Toaxd_fanceh, Corpa, Furro])
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