


Welcome! Todd and Terri stream live from Teeny's Pub where we talk about art with you in the chat. A new artist is featured each week as well as other topics. I also stream on Sunday's where I work in my studio drawing or on other sculpture.

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I am a lifelong artist who loves to draw. I have been teaching art for 20 years and I have an MFA in sculpture from the Rhode Island School of Design. The practice of art making for me centers on the notion that making is thought. Drawing creates ideas. I consider narrative and storytelling to be at the center of what I make and find interest in. My studio practice has a wide range of materials and I explore more than one discipline. As an artist, i want what defines me to not be limited to a singular mode of making. In other words, I paint, but I would not call myself only a painter. Guilty pleasures include watching Bob Ross paint and Dungeons and Dragons.
I like Christopher Cross songs...not all of them... just Sailing and a few others. I have always kept an art practice on the side be it playing my saxophone or plein air painting or sculpting drag queens. Guilty pleasures include watching Bob Ross paint, medical anomalies, tarot cards and sugar.
**The Large Glass** **Tuesdays 8:00pm** We talk about a new artist each week! **#Roulette!** **Every other Saturday 8:00pm** Our game show where we scroll hashtags on Instagram that are chosen at random. **Sketchbook Sunday** **Sundays 10:00am** This is the Sunday morning studio jam. I will be working away and listening to music and talking to you while I do it!
It's been 25 years. You know: you meet THAT person in college, they're super hot- but they are attached to someone. And over the years it just never times itself right. Then 20 years later, both divorced, both with kids, the timing worked out and we are not wasting a minute. We paint, make music and enjoy each others company. We make art wherever we go. We keep a collaborative sketchbook on hand and take it everywhere. From Maine to St. Lucia we have looked and drawn and painted. We love our kids, coffee, our chickens (we have 7, one is named Bjork), wine, poetry, music and food. We appreciate and collect art like crazy too.
Let's Chat! I am excited to have a lively chat window going but there are some rules: **1. Be respectful of others.** Let's keep this forum open to ideas and differences but remain respectful of other views. **2. No racist or sexist remarks.** We have no tolerance for this and will remove you immediately. **3. No political promotions or agendas.** While art itself is often political and open to discussion, things like toxic conversation, party promotion or slander, etc are not tolerated. **4. Please do not promote your channel here.** **5. Please don't spam the chat.**
Check out past videos and highlight reels at our youtube channel.
I hope that you walk away from this with something new or something inspirational. If you have, please consider supporting our channel. Donations go a long way to helping us make this show and bring you cool content. You can send them through Paypal by clicking the Donate button above. By donating, you acknowledge that no goods or services are purchased with your donation, donations are not tax-deductible, are non-refundable and at this time no perks are given to donators.