Profile banner for tofumania1


두부충 (tofumania1)


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Hello and welcome to my stream! I'm Tofumania and I build keyboards! Please excuse me if I mess up, because I just got into the hobby and I am learning with you. Stream is usually late night in PST, so if anyone wants to chill with me please join me. I really appreciate it!
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Future builds: Bear65 arctan design 03 Past Builds: Jane V2 CE Alice Mode 80 (Pewters) Dolinger PC RE (Huru1s) tx66 (Creamy Lemon) Space65 (FFFF) Mode 80 rebuild (King Fishers) KFE CE (Malachite) Binary Monkey Phantom Kyuu (Huru1s) Fjell nemui Wampus ION jubi Ogre
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I prefer my viewers to support me by spending time with me during stream and/or in discord. So donation is not necessary, but greatly appreciated!
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First Stream : 6/7/2020 100 Followers: 7/29/2020 Affiliated : 8/7/2020 500 Followers: 3/24/2021