
Usually Shite, but play to have fun!

About Toga The Great

PS4 Streamer doing it for fun! Streaming direct from the PS4, I play a bit of whatever takes my fancy for the shits and giggles. Regularly featuring: Call of Duty, but other stuff will appear. Recomendations always welcome I'm Grumpy, Foul Mouthed and Yorkshire, champion Feel free to follow / sub for alerts when I go live. There isnt a schedule, its when I have the free time! I have a twitter here: http:www.twitter.com/TogaTheGreat And also a YouTube place: https://www.youtube.com/TheGreatToga Basic Rules: English Only (Occasional Jibberish Allowed) No Age Chat No Politics No Religion No Racism, Sexism, Discrimination etc No Self Promoting, Respect my Channel and its Visitors Please