Profile banner for tomandmel



Just Mel streaming. Tom is BUSY! We're in a UK to USA long distance relationship.

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Hello, and welcome to all! We are Tom and Mel - a duo stream that went on a hiatus for a while. You'll usually find us playing Old School Runescape. We love talking to you guys, and we want to build our own little community!
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# These are some helpful commands our channel uses. • (!uptime) OR (!ut) Tells you how long the stream has been running. • (!currentsong) OR (!cs) Tells you what song is currently playing. • (!tophrs) Tells you the top 5 people who's watched our streams the longest. • (!followers) Tells you how many followers TomAndMel has. • (!followage) OR (!howlong) Tells you the date you followed TomAndMel, and how long ago that was.
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Donations are never asked for, but are always appreciated. It helps us keep doing what we love - entertaining you guys! • Donations $3 and over gets read out by text-to-speech. ##[Click here to donate]( *Please note that by donating, you are directly supporting the channel and understand that we have a 100% no refund/chargeback policy.*
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If you're a subscriber and in our Discord, make sure your Discord is linked with your Twitch so you can join the sub-only chat!
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Connect to our Discord to join the fun! Have a chat with our members and be notified when we go live! ## [Click here to join our Discord](