Profile banner for toofgrush



toofgrush streams Apex Legends.

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Hello everyone! My name is Julia, but you can call me toof or toofgrush. I love RPG's, FPS's, RTS’, MMO's. I love singing and writing down my thoughts. Live music is everything. I love rap, pop punk, hip hop, hardcore, R&B, technical metal, progressive metal, death metal, pretty sad music, stoner metal, and i could go on for a while but i will spare you. I also really love comic books (The Maxx, Batman, DC,) makeup, horror/ hp lovecraft, bones, and painting. Always looking for new friends and people to play with.
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All inclusive, diverse, safer internet space, absolutely no doxxing, racism, misogyny, trans-phobia, homophobia, exploitation, soliciting, harassment, disrespect, or self promotion without my premission. Be respectful, Lets just have fun and chill.
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Subbing is a great way to show support to the channel and help it grow! My first emotes are pending but you will also have access to my doggo/live shows/ real life snapchat exclusively for my twitch subscribers, and a subscriber badge in front of your name in chat. Thank you so much for your support and In helping me continue to improve my channel, community, and entertain you bbs <3
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Thank you for your support in watching my stream! If you would like to donate, you can click the image above. All donations are greatly appreciated and go towards improving my stream and equipment for everyone (specifically an Elgato HD60 capture card, ssd card, new tower case, etc.) Be sure to leave a message with it so I can read it and thank you on stream! Please only donate if you can afford it, they are non-refundable.
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If you would like to help me improve my stream for everyone, click the amazon wish list button above! The items are listed in order of importance. Thank you for all of your support!
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Follow me on Instagram for that usual IG nonesense <3