
I love video games and enjoying meeting new people. Enjoy the stream.


I am trying to stream 2-3 days a week. For the most part the schedule will be as follows with a ton of flexibility :). I won't be on every day below but if I am on it will be during these times. T-F 9:00 PM - 11:30PM CST (Maybe 8:15 some days and possibly until 1 AM some night.) Weekend - Whenever I can.


Subscribing is the BIGGEST compliment you could give me. It is definitely not required but it is very much appreciated. Your sub will go to helping me improve my stream. We will be having Private Game Days that are exclusive to sub, as the channel grows, this may change but we will pick one day a week to do this. I will post the day as we see what works for everyone.


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Follow me Here https://twitter.com/Toomuchlala


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Come join the Lala Land Discord. https://discord.gg/hNsdVt9

About Me

I am a family man who loves to play video games when the kids are sleeping or with my oldest son who is learning Destiny as we speak. If you enjoy the stream then follow. I like the play MLB The Show and Destiny...well soon to be Destiny 2. Come hang out and be a part of a great community.


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I am saving up for a Dedicated Streaming PC so my wife stops getting mad I am using the Mac, visit https://twitch.streamlabs.com/toomuchlala#/ to tip. I appreciate it. As I start my stream out the best donation you can make is telling your friends about my stream. I would greatly appreciate a follow and a friendly referral. As I do not have the most advanced streaming equipment, say hello in the chat when you follow so I can recognize you. Most of all ENJOY


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