แบนเนอร์โปรไฟล์สำหรับ topatoo

ผู้ติดตาม 185 คน


Long time gamer since 1989 (Commodore 64). Thats why I am on Twitch, I love to game and play lots of different titles. Massive fan of the Final Fantasy / KH series but living with Destiny at present.

I have a full time job, a loving wife, daughter and dog so they come first but I try and stick to the below as much as I can. If an event is on I may stream more so check out my twitter ([@TheRealTopatoo](https://twitter.com/TheRealTopatoo)) for updates. **Update:** Baby Topatoo arrived so my schedule will be ad-hoc for the foreseeable future so follow on twitter and turn on live notifications.
I have responsibilities, mainly a wife and daughter, a dog who is like a son. I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks and streaming has helped me overcome these issues. I do it for fun and love everyone who shows up and keeps me company. Thank you all. I love playing Destiny and love to help others, Destiny is my core game at the moment but I do play other games and may stream them in the future. Final Fantasy is my true passion so I will always have some space for it. I just like to have fun but if you need help with a quest or the raid, running trials or crucible bounties, hit me up.
I am trying to use Twitter more and will be using it to tweet about my stream and what I am doing so please click the button/image above to link off to my account. [https://twitter.com/TheRealTopatoo](https://twitter.com/TheRealTopatoo)
I have three rules, follow them and we will get on fine: + Be respectful to the stream and people in chat. + Be fair and don't be quick to judge. + Just be a decent human being and we will get on fine. + Have fun.
I don't do this for money and I don't plan to make a life out of it. I just like to stream and help people. I don't want tips but I will put the money back into my stream. So click the image above or type !tips in chat. Thanks to all who gave up their hard earned cash, played with and watched me. [Tip Topatoo](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/topatoo)
I have loads of things that I want so one day I may be able to buy it all. Here is hoping. Click the image above to see my small dreams. [View My Wishlist](http://amzn.eu/iw2Jfpa)