
Streaming Fallout 76 with 4 viewers

i want to lick frogs 🐸 see what the jazz is about

About the Journey

Hey there, Welcome to the Top! Hope you enjoy your stay, and sit back and join me on this journey. Started back in 2018 through a legendary DJ named [TMOCS](https://twitch.tv/tmocs) . I will continue for many years to come, the main goal of mine is to get 10,000 hours on DJ eventually adding production in the mix, I am a little over half way there. The number at the beginning of the stream indicates the episode #. The higher it is, the more you see. # About Donations All donations go towards stream! (Mostly buying new tracks, hardware anything to support DJ streaming) But for the most part, again.. it's a hobby and a great educational tool for me to step up into producing music-- <3 you for just being here.
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