Profile banner for totokitty



She/Her. My dog's name is Indigo. Curiosity enthusiast. Slightly cursed. Staunch cheese lover. We're all gems here.

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Hi, I'm Toto, and I like to laugh, play video games, and write (not always in that order). I play a variety of games, from Zelda and Dragon Age to Stardew Valley, Night in the Woods, and The Banner Saga. I like hiking with my dog, Indigo, stories, and sparkling water. Lord of the Rings takes up 20% of my brain at any given time. I ask a lot of questions. Welcome to the Dragon Horde ~we're all gems here~
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≛ THIS IS AN 18+ CHANNEL ≛ - Seriously, this is an 18+ channel, people over the age of 18 only | please do not discuss age in chat - No racist, sexist, homophobic, fatphobic, or otherwise hateful bigotry comments; this is also a very ≛pro-marginalized creator space≛ - We discuss many things in chat, growing through experiences. That being said, please no trauma dumping. It's okay to not be okay, but be mindful that we aren't your therapist. Please be kind and thoughtful of Toto and chat, who may not be prepared to process what you're sharing <3 - No spam (this includes self-promo (ex. your stream) without permission, but excludes the hype for raids and loving on each other) - I trust my mods; what they say goes - English only (my languages are limited, and I'm only comfortable using English to communicate at this time) - Dog Appearances May Apply
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**Thursdays, Saturdays, & Sundays**
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!badplace !angry !bark !both !butter !cant !check !cheese !clapback !controversial !cookie !cry !dead !dick !dog !door !ew !fold !fucksolas !gansta !gasp !honk !hype !knewit !lies !lurk !may !me !misery !nigh !no !notfunny !ohboy !one !pride !ruined !sad !stfu !sus !unlurk !wine !yay
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If you're already watching my streams, you are supporting my channel, for which I am forever thankful. ~I appreciate every single one of you gems~ If you're looking for other ways to support in a monetary way, it is not required (I already adore my gems!), but options are available. Please know, there is never any pressure for any monetary support - take care of yourself and the others around you first~ Any monetary support goes towards upgrades for the stream, paying for my internet, upgrading computer, purchasing games, emotes... things to help me create the best quality content I can make and share with you all~ ★ Subscription ★ FREE Twitch Prime Subscription ★ Bits ★ Donations (non-refundable) ≛Sub Perks≛ ★ Ad-free Viewing ★ Crystal Sub Badges ★ Exclusive Sub-Only Emotes ★ Ability to post links in chat ≛Extra Special Bit Alerts≛ ★ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 bit alerts ★ 6+ bits ★ 69 bits ★ 96 bits ★ 100+ bits ★ 143 bits ★ 150 bits ★ 200+ bits ★ 300+ bits ★ 500+ bits ★ 666 bits ★ 1,000+ bits ★ 5,000+ bits ★ 10,000+ bits ≛Gifted Sub Alert≛ ★ 1 ★ 5 ★ 10 ★ 15 ★ 20 ★ 100
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