Profile banner for tr0lio



tr0lio streams Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, Minecraft and Battlefield 4.

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+ No Racist Language + No Links unless told otherwise + No asking to play/join my games + No asking to be added to Friends List + No Chat Spam unless specifically told + No Advertising + Enjoy your stay
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I work a full time 2nd shift job and stream part time, I am working towards a point where I can quit my job and create content and games full time. I play every type of game there is. My favorite games are Rainbow 6, Terraria & Minecraft. I currently develop and maintain the InsaneFarming Minecraft Modpack and the More Things Mod.
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Gaming RIG + Ryzen 7 2700 @ 3.7 GHz + MSI RTX 2080 Super + 64 GB Ram + 5 TB Storage + Windows 10 Pro + Corsair M65 Elite + Corsair K95 Platinum + 2x Acer Gaming Monitor + 1x LG 4k Display + Elgato HD 60 Pro + Panasonic LUMIX G7 Mirrorless 4K + Shure MV7
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