Profile banner for trashpandajames



The trashiest panda. Dragged out of a bin in Essex UK, I play a variety of different games. When i'm not streaming I follow football, martial arts, lift heavy things and keep up with pro-wrestling. Generally chill with a side of sweat. I am a big advocate for mental health and charities.

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My streams are purely about the social, any and all tips or subs are received with gratitude and will be used to improve the streams for all involved. **Special bit alerts** - 69 Bits: Nice - 100 Bits: Run! - 420 Bits: #Blazeit - 500 Bits: Running in the 90's **Audio commands** !calm !fulady !mistake !panda !rimshot !sip **Discord**
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Click the logo above for more information on the gear I use while streaming and where to buy it.
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**No Racism** **No Sexism** **No Bigotry** **No Politics** If I feel what you are saying is a bit much ill make it known. Please ask before posting links and refrain from self promotion. We are all adults but keep it light.
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**Currently playing** - INACTIVE - **Also featured** - Apex - Risk of Rain 2 **Games completed on stream.** - Dreamfall Chapters - Outer Worlds - Bloodborne - Ghost of Tsushima - Civilisation 6 - Hades - Deaths Door - Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Hollow Knight **Wishlist** - Disco Elysium - The Ascent - Godfall - Hood: Outlaws & Legends - Inked: A tale of love - Biomutant - Chernobylite - Star Wars: Jedi - Fallen order - Sonic Colours - Humankind - Sable - Deaths Door - Darkstalkers 3 - Dark Souls - Sekiro