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Hi! My name is Tonia, currently living in Entebbe , Uganda! I like to spend my time exploring new places. Welcome to my channel

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All times are East African Time Zone (GMT+3) ON A TEMPORARY BREAK FROM STREAMING


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Hi! My name is Tonia, Currently living in Entebbe, Uganda! I love to travel and explore new places. Where are you from? I was born in Illinois, and lived in California for ten years before permanently moving overseas. What happened to Isani? She had a baby in January, and is currently living between `Los Angeles and Kenya. Why are you in Uganda? I moved to Kenya with Isani to open a business and after a lot of issues and getting money stolen from us, I came to Uganda just before corona lockdown to live with my boyfriend. Do you work in Uganda? My main job is teaching English online to kids in China!
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Click the logo above or copy and paste: Donations are not required to watch, but very much appreciated. Next fundraiser coming soon! We've raised $1320.00 so far to help the community! We've raised money for: USPCA: $50.00 WRU: $170.00 Family of 9 orphan boys: $200.00 for shoes and supplies $900.00 for various vulnerable people in the community to help buy food supplies and help them build sucessful small business to sustain themselves Thanks for the support.

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