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Chaos isn't a pit. It's a Ladder. Hello, my name is TrenteR. I'm a speedrunner who enjoys playing games fast. I'm mainly running Shantae games, but that doesn't mean I focus only on one game or series. Btw. Play Mario Party 3 as Mario DK Yoshi and Peach. (on Waluigi Island)

Chat Rules

- Don't be a dick - I don't have anything against jokes, just don't be a dick. - NEVER promote others, or link to other channels without permission or good reasons - NEVER call someone out because he is lurking, I appreciate everyone even the ones who don't want to talk
Panel Content
I'm TrenteR and on this Channel you'll see Speedruns of my favorite Games. Actually I run Shantae Games, mostly Risky's Revenge.
Panel Content
NO!!! NOOO!!!! DEAR GOD NOOO! Thank You for even thinking about it.