Profiilibanneri – trickingloki

475 seuraajaa


Librarian by day, everything else by night. Variety streamer, interactive theater director, voice actor (They/Them Pronouns!)

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Yo! I'm Samma, part-time streamer and full-time librarian, with some writer, crafter, cosplayer, actor, and director gigs on the side. Basically everything but sleeper, sleep is boring (but you should sleep and be healthy!). I love gaming as a time to chill, enjoy a story, or spend time with friends. I'm a variety streamer with an emphasis on multiplayer games, visual novels, and tabletop role-playing games. I'm also a huge proponent of #MentalHealthAwareness. I will talk about my issues if they come up and it seems like it will help someone - or help me! I'm bad about seeking help. Because of this, my cardinal rule here is to be kind and show love to one another. Be gentle, be wonderful, and be you!
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+Be cool, yo. I am a huge advocate of kindness over everything else, so if something said or someone rubs you the wrong way, talk it out before shouting it out. +Limited profanity does not bother me, and this stream is listed mature because I know I do the same thing sometimes. I am not about sexual jokes or graphic content, however. I am open to talking about sexualities and the like, but not about sexual things. +If someone (streamer, mod, or fellow viewer/chatter) asks you to stop doing something because it honestly makes them uncomfortable, stop. THIS is your warning, and you will get one verbal or typed one, and then you will be banned. +I don't know what other rules there should be besides be nice because that kind of covers everything else. If specifics are needed, I'll add more rules later!
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I almost have a schedule! Streams start between 7:30 and 8:00 pm EST. Unless otherwise noted, I stream Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. When my squad is available, we play multiplayer stuff. When my Pathfinder or Dresden groups are available, we stream tabletop RPG goodness. Otherwise, I like finding games where I can voice act or ones with deep stories to lose myself in. Creative streams will also occur! Mostly these will be audiobook recording sessions, but sometimes cosplay projects as well.
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Come hang out with us! +[Facebook]( +[Twitter]( +[Instagram]( +[Discord]( +[Patreon]( +[Ko-Fi](!
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I am doing what I love, but I kind of picked a bunch of things that don't pay well combined with two expensive hobbies. Oops. Please never feel obligated to donate to me! There are always others who need help more. But if I make you smile and you want to tip me, feel free to donate through StreamLabs by clicking the banner above. You can also check out my [Patreon]( or my [Ko-Fi](!
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I play with some pretty awesome friends. Let's help you get to know them! +[Josh.]( My partner, in love, in crime, in everything. Plays pretty much any multiplayer game with me! +[Dex]( My stream-spouse. :heart: Plays pretty much any multiplayer game with me! +[Jude.]( My platonic soulmate. Shows up sometimes to be cool. +[Justingames0]( A cool and funny dude. Plays a lot of Clue, Monster Prom, and DbD. +RileyInc. A levelheaded sweetheart who found us in TBC. Plays TBC, SoT, Grounded, and more with us. +[Dana.]( A cool, cool lady! Plays PUBG and sometimes DbD with me! +[Gideon.]( The coolest witch you'll ever meet. Forest, TBC, and DbD shenanigans! +Seehls is my little cousin and a pretty cool dude, even if we like to tease him the most. He plays most games with us on MY laptop.
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Coming soon!
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Click my face here to buy merch with my face on it! Or a cuter chibi version of myself. <3
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I cannot say enough good things about Humble Bundle! Click the image above to sign up for Humble Bundle monthly, support me, and support one of my favorite charities, Take This! (Please note that I do receive a portion of the sales from my referral link. This does NOT increase the price you pay. Any time I link a Humble Bundle, well, bundle, part of that is benefiting me.)
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+Closed Captions idea and recommendation of WebCaptioner from Boogerlicious! +PNG Avatar by [Faelions]( +Between game videos purchased from [Kireaki]( +I use [Streamelements ( for my overlay and chatbot. +Stream Starting Soon Music: "Voice Over Under" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License +BRB Music: "The Lift" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License +Stream Ended Music: "Kawai Kitsune" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License +“Additional sound effects from [ZapSplat]( +Channel Point icons made by [fjstudio]( from [Flaticon](