Баннер профиля для tridenttail

2,2 тыс. фолловера


Speedrunner from Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
Hi! I'm tridenttail, or just trident. I am a Canadian streamer and speedrunner. I'm an avid music nerd so if you want to stop by and chat about that, you would most likely make my day. Hope you enjoy your time here in my stream.
Содержимое панели
#Diddy Kong Racing + 100% - 1:43:45 (2nd) + Any% - 37:52 (2nd) + ATR - 23:17 (3rd) ***** *For a full list of speedruns/rankings, click on the banner to go to my speedrun.com user page.*
Содержимое панели
[ne_que](http://instagram.com/ne_que) made my emotes and draws handsome mermen. [Gage](http://twitch.tv/gage) made my DKR emotes and he's a cutie.
Содержимое панели
While I am offline, be sure to check out the other wonderful streamers on Voyage!