Profile banner for trinaaballerina



Variety Gamer and Health and Wellness Advocate. Not letting life stop me from achieving my dreams!

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#**Hello!** My name is Katrina, but you can call me Trina! I'm currently 25 years old and I started gaming around my 21st birthday. I love to eat and cook healthy. ##Story Behind My Username: I danced for 13 years ranging from ballet, pointe, modern, jazz, hip hop, and tap. While I don't regularly dance anymore, I would love to jump back in soon! ###Why I Started Streaming: I thought it would be fun to show how terrible and sometimes good I am at games. I have now added my passion of health and wellness to our cooking streams on the weekends, so join us for some cheesy fun! **It was nice to meet you... now waddle on over to the chat and say hi!!** **To contact me for any business inquiries:**
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*[Twitter](* Stream notifications, silly life moments, late night thoughts, and more :) *[Instagram](* Lots of food, travel, and pictures of family and friends. *[Youtube](* I will be posting highlights from streams, cooking videos, and my travels! Hope to see you there!
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##We are growing a positive supportive community! Here are our beliefs: + *We are working hard to be kind to one another during stream and off stream. Please be respectful in our community and treat others how you want to be treated.* - *No hate speech or racist remarks will be tolerated here. Please take it elsewhere.* + *We love supporting others!* + *Please use the discord server to chit chat offstream. I promise that I check the discord on the daily and we would all love to hear from you!* * *Lastly, if you stick to our values and waddle through chat you will fit in perfect with our community! 💜*
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**All tips help feed the penguins of the stream! Your money is not needed for you to be loved here, but it does help me continue to create awesome streams and improve the quality as we continue to grow!** #**Current Goals** + Cooking Stream Laptop #**Please Read** If you do decide to feed to penguins, please understand that they are non-refundable. That being said, you can help out [HERE]( **Thank you!!** **SINGLE LARGEST TIP** ~Sage_Ganrik **LARGEST ST. JUDE DONATIONS** ~Sage_Ganrik ~Scottlinux
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# **Subscriber Benefits!** - Access to our sub only Discord channels * Emotes for all three tiers + Ad-free viewing - Sub-only movie and game nights * 6 month subs get to pick a recipe + 1 year subs get to pick a theme for one cooking stream!
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**Join our Penguin Party on Discord!** Here you will find all our stream announcements, the food and recipes I make on stream, and be able to meet and play games with our community.