Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho tristinsel

282 người theo dõi


he/him 🏳️‍⚧️ | goofyhead central

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Hi! My name is Tristin. I love playing a lot of different story games, but in between I play a lot of Fortnite and Dead By Daylight. When I'm not gaming, you might see me making music! Let me know one of your favourite artists!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
overlays/panels/danny emotes: ttv/suppyguppy
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
the logo will take you to paypal, otherwise: cashapp: $mooonsick all tips are extremely appreciated and non-refundable. thank you for the support <3
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Tristin is now on Throne Gifts! Throne Gifts allows creators to add items to their wishlist for community members to purchase for them whilst keeping theirs and the streamer's private information completely secure.