Profile banner for tsforrest



Live Streamer | Content Creator | Gamer - Welcome to the Forrest FIRE! We strive to create a relaxed, completely free place for gamers to hang out, socialize, watch or play games together, and just have fun! No stress, worries, obligations, or pressure! Watch, chat, or play!

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# Spawn Zombies & Hordes on Forrest We want viewers to be able to get involved and interact with the stream, through **clips/memes launched by viewers from chat** and instantly **spawn zombies, helpful items, and even *entire hordes*** directly on Forrest as he's playing 7 Days to Die during a stream! Special "**themed" horde spawns** are available for **ALL VIEWERS**! Spawn the **YMCA** horde, **Ladies' Night** horde, or **Girls Just Want to Have Fun** horde! There's a frightening "**NIGHTMARE**" horde with over **90 zombies, wolves, and bears**! Oh, my! Plus, many more! Want to *scare* Forrest? Spawn a **zombie bear**! Want to *help* Forrest? Spawn some **beer**! Want to make Forrest glad he wore the "*brown pants*"? Spawn a **NIGHTMARE horde**!
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Streaming 5 days a week... TUE-SAT: **6:00PM** - **11:00PM** Eastern US **8:00PM** - **1:00AM** UTC/GMT =================================== **TUE**-**WED**-**FRI**: 7 Days to Die - (**viewers can join on server** - Spawns ON) **THU**-**SAT**: New games, single-player games, multi-streaming with other streamers, or more 7 Days to Die (mods, too!) We have been focused on 7 Days to Die and it's various mods for a long time, but we would like to broaden the collection of games we play, while offering the community a voice to help decide what we play and stream on many days. We love having viewers play on the servers with us, even during the streams, and no subscription or donation is needed to play. We love chatters, viewers, lurkers, and gamers of all kinds. We are striving to create a fun, no-stress environment where people can hangout and watch or play games together... where **laughter**, **smiles**, and **fun** are the primary goal!
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# Free Custom *Chat Intro Video Clip* for Subscribers We love lurkers, but if you want to let folks know **you've arrived**, and want to do it ***in style***? Use your own **Custom Intro Clip** that *you* launch using your very own chat command! Give us a link to the video(s) with the clip you like, and we will chop, slice, dice, insert text, and add a little "flair" to make it a fun and stylish way to let folks know that you have arrived and the party can get started! *We might not always be able to do this for all subscribers, so **now** is your chance!*
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# 1-Time Donation (Click **DONATE**) Donations are never required, but are tremendously appreciated and will help us grow and add more fun and exciting features and content for the Forrest Fire Family & Community! You will receive a reward in ☒Dukes (in-channel currency)!!!
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# Forrest FIRE Merchandise Want to show your Forrest FIRE pride and help support the channel and community? Just click **BUY MERCH** above, or select from available merch items below! We have the minimum prices allowed, and any profit is used to buy more merch to give away to viewers, absolutely free!
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We have many custom commands for Clips, Memes, & Actions - Most have 60s cooldown, but some have no c/d, like 🎬!hug, 🎬!kiss, 🎬!hi, 🎬!bye, 🎬!back 🎬!no Many commands randomly pick from set of clips, and if the same clip is picked twice in 60s, it may not be played. πŸ“Ί=clip 🎬=set/clips πŸŽ†=action/meme πŸ”₯=SUBS-ONLY (Free for everyone, for now!) Clips/Memes/Actions: πŸ“Ί!69(100) πŸ”₯πŸŽ†!baddog(500) 🎬!back(0) πŸ“Ί!badass(100) πŸŽ†!luck(300) πŸ”₯πŸ“Ί!boom(300) πŸ“Ί!bear(300) 🎬!brb(0) 🎬!bye(0) 🎬!doh πŸ”₯πŸŽ†!dogs(300) πŸ“Ί!excellent(100) πŸ“Ί!force(200) πŸ“Ί!gameover(100) πŸŽ†!gig/giggity(200) 🎬!goodbye(0) 🎬!hey(0) 🎬!hi(0) 🎬!hug(0) 🎬!kiss(0) πŸ“Ί!lurk(0) πŸ“Ί!neverlearn(100) 🎬!no(0) πŸŽ†!nurse(200) 🎬!oops(100) 🎬!opinion(200) πŸ”₯πŸ“Ί!pewdiepie(500) 🎬!poke(100) πŸ“Ί!rigged(100) πŸŽ†!rip(100) 🎬!run(100) πŸ”₯πŸ“Ί!scan(200) πŸ“Ί!showtime(100) πŸ“Ί!squirrel(100) πŸ“Ί!stupid(100) πŸ“Ί!trap(100) 🎬!war(200) πŸ”₯πŸŽ†!wtf(300) Type **!clips** in chat to see the latest list of clips!
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# Jumpscares for Cheers ending in 66 bits! Jumpscare Forrest with cheers 100+ bits to trigger one of several clips (worse every +100 bits, much louder in Forrest's headset!) that will make Forrest glad he's wearing the brown pants! Mrs. Forrest usually does the laundry, so... HA! Joke's on her!
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**** Just use this link, or click the image above, select a subscription or any other "Partner-enabled" product, and you will will be saving money by purchasing games at a discount from the regular Steam price. In addition, your purchase will be supporting a charity (you can choose which), and you will be supporting this channel, all at the same time! What a deal! **Note:** *During checkout, you can select how much of your purchase is used to support a charity of your choosing, how much is given to the game developers, and how much Humble Bundle gets to keep. Isn't that amazing!?*
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# Song Requests ## **!sr YouTube Title Search Words** *Example:* **!sr diggy diggy hole** This will play the Diggy Diggy Hole song from YouTube!
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**Give Monthly Pledge** to help the Forrest FIRE Family keep the game servers FREE, offer giveaways every stream, and improve the fun, excitement and quality of the stream for everyone!
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I am a board member of the Average Army stream team and community. The Average Army is a community of Broadcasters based on principles of Positivity, Mutual Support, and High Quality Content. Stay Connected – [Website]( | [Twitter]( | [Discord]( | [Stream Team]( | [Youtube]( | [Instagram]( | [Application](
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# Beard Brigade 4 LIFE! The *Beard Brigade* has been closed down. Nothing bad happened. It was just a decision by the team founders, who will always have my tremendous thanks! It was a wonderful collection of top notch streamers who's goal was to spread a positive vibe, create enjoyable content, and give others the opportunity to show the world just what they got! I will always be a proud to have been a part of that team of great ladies and gentlemen. You can check out more *Beard Brigade* info (while still available) by scratching the beard above!


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# System & Setup I have physical challenges after an incident with a crazy driver and a couple botched surgeries. I was unable to comfortably use a PC or laptop for years, until a friend helped me set up this configuration using a bed table cart with two displays and multiple tension arms as mounts for my mic, webcam, lighting, and other components. My technical specs are: >>**Streaming PC** **Manufacturer:** *Dell Alienware* **Model:** *Aurora R6* **CPU:** *Intel i7-7700 3.6/4.2 GHz* - *4 cores* **RAM:** *16GB DDR4-28000* **Video/GPU:** *nVidia GTX 1080 8GB* **Elgato HD60 Pro Capture Card** **OS/Game:** *540GB m.2 SSD* **Storage:** *1TB 7200RPM HD* **Cam:** *Logitech 922X Pro Streamer* **Mic:** *Blue Snowball (Black)* **Displays (1080p x 3):** - *HORIZONS PCT2235 21" Touchscreen* - *SCEPTER F24 24" Display* - *ViewSonic VX3276-FHD 32" Display* **Mouse:** *Redragon Gaming Mouse* **Keyboard:** *Redragon K509 PC Gaming Keyboard* **Software:** - Windows 10 Pro 64-bit - OBS 21.0 - CyberLink Director Suite 5 - GIMP 2 - VSDC Video Editor >>**Gaming PC** **Manufacturer:** *HP* **Model:** *OMEN Obelisk* **CPU:** *Intel i7-8700 3.2/4.6 GHz* - *6 cores* **RAM:** *16GB DDR4-28000* **Video/GPU:** *nVidia RTX 2080 8GB* **OS/Game:** *250GB m.2 SSD* **Storage:** *2TB 7200RPM HD* **Mic:** *Pro Lavalier Lapel Microphone JK MIC-J 044* **Displays (1080p x 1 - 144Hz):** - *ACER KG271C 27" Gaming Display* **Mouse:** *Logitech G602 Wireless Hi-Res Gaming* **Software:** - Windows 10 Pro 64-bit