449 người theo dõi


Stuff n' things




Hi I'm TSGWhatever. AKA TSG, AKA Whatever, AKA Tisguh, AKA TGSWhatever, AKA Tigs, AKA Charlie Fernando and probably a whole bunch of other names. I'm a Swedish degenerate who mostly streams touhou. I stream other things sometimes as well, but that is a bit rare. [Twitter](https://twitter.com/TSGWhatever)

Chat rules

-Do not be a dickhead -Posting any unfunny star wars memes or unfunny memes otherwise related to LEGO speedrunning will result in a permanent ban -If you by chance know my real name, refrain from using it. -DO NOT disrespect weebs -Tbh, half of these are memes, but try to not be annoying ok?

Asked Questions

###**What does "TSG" mean?** Up to interpretation. "TSG" is in a perpetual quantum state where every interpretation of it is correct, but at the same time, incorrect. ###**When are you coming back to [insert previous grindmonkey game here]?** Probably not

Stream times

Usually very random. Don't expect me to keep a consistent schedule


På sistone har jag slutat bry mig, så du får skriva på svenska i chatten om du vill. Jag vet inte om jag svarar på svenska ifall detta händer, men det är ändå bra att experimentera. Notera däremot att sändningen primärt är på engelska.