


I am Tiger also known as Tiago! Tiger streams many different things. He would love to interact with all of you guys and so do I and I am Tiger!

- My name is Tiago aka "Tiger" - I am Portuguese - I live in Germany - I speak English/German/Portuguese/French (but not that good :D) - I play many different games! I love to shoot people in game but I cant resist open world and survival Games.
Just be nice! Do not be racist or discriminate other person Listen to the Mods. Have Fun! (Most Importantly)


*WORK IN PROGRESS* 150 Follower: Facecam ✔ 200 Follower: Horror-Special ✔ 250 Follower: Own Discord-Server ✔ 300 Follower: New Project ✔ 400 Follower: Interaktive Show✔ 500 Follower: 12h-Stream (+Horror-Special) ✔ 600 Follower: VR-Stream ✔ 700 Follower: Real Life Brettspielparty ✔ (coming) 800 Follower: ??? 1000 Follower: Tigerkostüm ----------------------------------------------- 10k Views: Horror-Special (Alien: Isolation Fortführung) ✔ ----------------------------------------------- 15 Sub-Points: 2nd Tier 1 Emote ✔ 25 Sub-Points: 3rd Tier 1 Emote ✔ 35 Sub-Points: 4th Tier 1 Emote ✔ 50 Sub-Points: 5th Tier 1 Emote ✔ ----------------------------------------------- Wenn ihr Ideen habt zu coolen Aktionen für Goals, lasst es mich wissen!
Falls es euch hier gefällt und ihr euch 100% sicher seid dass ihr mich auch mit Geld unterstützen wollt, könnt ihr ein paar "echte Tigertaler" da lassen. Jeder Cent wird appreciated! Tiger dankt euch sehr *VERNEIG*

Special Thanks:

TakeWanTwo - specially for Emotes HerrmannTG - specially for ModStuff Jbsr0407 - specially for The Witcher lll Wild Hunt GobblerkingHD - specially for Overwatch Profpyrus - specially for Transition