Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho ttigerv

751 người theo dõi


I am Tiger also known as Tiago! Tiger streams many different things. He would love to interact with all of you guys and so do I and I am Tiger!

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
- My name is Tiago aka "Tiger" - I am Portuguese - I live in Germany - I speak English/German/Portuguese/French (but not that good :D) - I play many different games! I love to shoot people in game but I cant resist open world and survival Games.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Just be nice! Do not be racist or discriminate other person Listen to the Mods. Have Fun! (Most Importantly)


*WORK IN PROGRESS* 150 Follower: Facecam ✔ 200 Follower: Horror-Special ✔ 250 Follower: Own Discord-Server ✔ 300 Follower: New Project ✔ 400 Follower: Interaktive Show✔ 500 Follower: 12h-Stream (+Horror-Special) ✔ 600 Follower: VR-Stream ✔ 700 Follower: Real Life Brettspielparty ✔ (coming) 800 Follower: ??? 1000 Follower: Tigerkostüm ----------------------------------------------- 10k Views: Horror-Special (Alien: Isolation Fortführung) ✔ ----------------------------------------------- 15 Sub-Points: 2nd Tier 1 Emote ✔ 25 Sub-Points: 3rd Tier 1 Emote ✔ 35 Sub-Points: 4th Tier 1 Emote ✔ 50 Sub-Points: 5th Tier 1 Emote ✔ ----------------------------------------------- Wenn ihr Ideen habt zu coolen Aktionen für Goals, lasst es mich wissen!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Falls es euch hier gefällt und ihr euch 100% sicher seid dass ihr mich auch mit Geld unterstützen wollt, könnt ihr ein paar "echte Tigertaler" da lassen. Jeder Cent wird appreciated! Tiger dankt euch sehr *VERNEIG*

Special Thanks:

TakeWanTwo - specially for Emotes HerrmannTG - specially for ModStuff Jbsr0407 - specially for The Witcher lll Wild Hunt GobblerkingHD - specially for Overwatch Profpyrus - specially for Transition