Profile banner for tuberov31



Welcome on in! I'm a variety streamer who's trying to take life one day at a time the best that I can. Looking to make this stream a fun and safe place for the community. Be warned, though, I can be a bit lewd and possibly a little crude. Despite that, come and hang for a bit, if you'd like.

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Schedule? What's a schedule?!
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I tweet things.....sometimes......
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Trying to be more social on my Discord. Come check it out!
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If you feel the need to support whatever the hell this is that I do, donations are accepted here. Take solace in the fact that all donations go directly to the "In My Pocket Fund" but are in no way required to enjoy the stream. My legal team has also advised me to disclose that all donations are final. No refunds except on the third Saturday on the first week of May.