Баннер профиля для tubesquid

84 фолловера


Hi, I'm tubesquid. I play a variety of games on PC & Xbox One, mostly with friends. I'm a part of the gaming community Gaming Differently.

Содержимое панели
Hi, I'm tubesquid. I play a variety of games on PC & Xbox One, mostly with friends. I'm a part of the gaming community [Gaming Differently](http://www.gamingdifferently.com). 100% of any money subbed or donated to this channel goes to charity. [Donate](https://tiltify.com/@tubesquid/playing-for-purpose/donate) Feel free to jump in chat or lurk. Join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/2A7mNQz)
Содержимое панели
I typically stream 7 days a week starting at about 9pm CDT.    
Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
Tipsare never necessary, but if you feel like it...