Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho tuecerprime

1,5 N người theo dõi


I run a nice tavern we call Prime Time. I invite any and all folks with a story to tell to step up, enjoy some of our ale and tell their tale for all to hear.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Hi, I’m TuecerPrime, I’ve been on Twitch since 2017. Ever felt like you were spinning your wheels? For a long time, I felt like that. While I originally focused on playing games like Dark Souls, I eventually ran out of Souls and Soulslike games to play! From there, I wandered aimlessly for a while, trying to play different games and not really finding my place. Finally I realized that the best way to make progress was to focus on the games I love the most: RPGs like Final Fantasy and Star Ocean. Join me as I show love to these great games, both new and old! So pull up a seat in the Prime Time Tavern and we'll serve up your favorite ale. Grab your sword, don't wave your staff around (fireballs hurt ya know!) and remember, **Adventurers Drink FREE!**
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
1. Mod decisions are final. 2. All people present in/on the channel are to be shown respect. 3. We are an inclusive community. Please tell us your pronouns. 4. Assume all games are first plays unless otherwise stated. 5. Do not provide help unless okayed with the safe word "Llama". 6. Please refrain from channel point redemptions and/or alerts during the opening recap just prior to starting gameplay 😀 7. Jokes or statements about other people's contributions to the stream are not ok.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
**!discord** - Link to the community server **!fanfare** - SFX for Twitch/Ko-Fi subscribers **!giveaway** - Link to the weekly giveaway list **!lurk** - When you gotta step away **!oops** - In case you say spoilers in chat **!played** - Link to a list of games we've played **!uptime** - How long we been live today? **!raiders** - Link to the Stream Raiders battle **!rpglist** - Link to list of RPGs we're working on **!sfx** - List of sound effect commands Don't forget to check channel points!!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Feel free to drop me a tip or membership on Ko-Fi if you enjoy the show by clicking the banner above. Ko-Fi Memberships carry most of the same benefits of a Twitch subscription and have the benefit of it all coming to me instead of half going to Twitch. There's a few other goodies offered in as well for higher tiers. **Ko-Fi Supporters:** ZeeKai EasyToPronounceUserName **Tipper Shoutouts!!** AkaIronDragon: $50 Angel: $100 BlindGaming: $13.37 Brexharr: $25 Charmz: $80 Czechmatey: $3 D3gausser: $60 DBock1989: $3 DivineOpinion: $326 ETPun: $480 FieryLionheart: $47.32 FoxxyMystery: $1.81 Gakaroth: $58 GameCrazyMatt: $5 Hemp: $5 ItsKNM: $15 IWasNeverGivenAName: $5 KatieBear87: $5 KortarAzriel: $5 KrazyJoker6996: $3 Lunaria: $90 LucindaTTV: $200 Menuvil: $60 MrWashingToad: $451 NachosBroheem: $7.44 Rev_damnation: $110 RJ: $100 SarcasticJ: $226 Simmonds91: $100 Taelun: $145 Thorn: $100 Unsungdee3: $87 Vulkitten: $25 WhatAboutCrank: $10 Wishmaster98: $15
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
TES IV Oblivion - 100 Subs (Met April 2021) FFVII New Threat Mod - 1500 Followers SquareEnix Partner
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Some folks have asked in the past for a link to a wishlist of things I need/want. Click the image above to view my list on Amazon.