Profile banner for tuna0x45



They say don't judge a fish by how well he can climb a tree. They didn't say anything about gaming. I play games like Rust, Runescape, and CoD, and a bunch of survival games. If you follow, say Hi and let's get to know each other through escaping reality.

About Me

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Your friendly neighborhood fish just gaming casually. I am not a sweaty gamer and will probably never be. I enjoy games as they are a break from the simulation.


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We have a couple rules.. Be chill and don't be mean to other viewers. No Racism. No self-promoting, there's a channel in the discord for that. Don't be weird.


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Monday - 5:30pm to 9pm Tuesday - Off Wednesday - Off Thursday - 5:30pm to 9pm Friday - 5:30pm to really who knows Saturday - 10am to 2pm Sunday - Off Please note that Saturday and Sunday are kind of fluid - but definitely will make it up!


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Please never feel the need to donate. I won't ask for donations. This content is free and it will always be free. Your laughter and happiness is more than enough! Please note that any donation will not be refunded. Thanks homies.