Záhlaví kanálu tygrr

134 sledujících


I do not spew profanities. I enunciate them clearly, like a fucking lady.

Basic Info

+ My name is Tygrr, as in **TIGER**. There is **NO** double G & never will be. I hate my IRL name & even hearing it makes me cringe...usually, so you can call me Tygrr. Even IRL people call me Tygrr,... for the most part. I am actually more accustomed to answering to Tygrr at this point than I am to my IRL name anymore. + I'm a fat, old woman, probably a lot older than you, disabled, and been gaming since I was like 10. + I speak randomly, usually quite bluntly and swear a lot... none of those things are going to change, hence the mature rating on the channel. I'm old enough & have been thru enough to have really stopped giving a damn if other people are offended by it. + And if I ever actually get a community, I'll let you know about it and what kind it is... k? Though for SURE there WON'T be any homophobic, racist, misogynistic, pig-headed twats in it.


+ There will never actually be a stream schedule. I cannot plan around my disability. If I feel OK enough to sit still long enough, I'll stream... if not, I can't/won't. + On the plus side, if you miss the streams, you can just watch the VODs instead. I started letting Twitch like record & save things... what could possibly go wrong?


+ I kinda just play anything I damn well want. + I play mostly casual, for fun, story, lore, immersion, relaxing, etc... + I do NOT play for min-maxing, try-harding, grindfests, frustration, or competitive murder orgies (anymore). + If you want me to go back to playing something, you can ask... I guarantee nothing, but you can ask.

Don't use this button.

Obsah panelu
Obsah panelu

Anything Else

Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask... age, disability, computer specs, favorite this or that, etc... what ever's on your mind.. ask. Keep in mind, however, **I reserve the right to not answer...** but you can still ask.