Profile banner for tyrannus_gaming



I play games.Sometimes I'm good at them,but most the time bad.

General Rules

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We are all here for some good fun,so please,let's keep it that way. Enjoy your stay! No Racism/racial terms -This will result in immediate removal,no questions. Trolling -I'm just not gonna put up with it,unless you're trying to mess me up in a game that is. Leave the drama at the door -I'm up for civil discussions on things,but don't let this just become a "pissing match" or start just bashing people because you have a different opinion. and that's it,let's try to keep it laid back and have a good time,I mean that's what we are all here for anyway.

Let's Play together!

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If you guys are interested in joining me in games or having me join you,I am playing mostly on PC. Just feel free to send me a message and let's get in touch!


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Do you think I'm an awesome dude,well that's your first mistake. But if you think otherwise your donations are always appreciated but not required. If you do decide to all profits from them will be used for stream purposes,from computer upgrades to games and DLC. another way you can support me is by following my link and help me out by just browsing the internet with the brave browser If you want to get me games on stream,here is my current wish list

Contact info

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If you would like to get a hold of me for anything,feel free to message me here. message me on loots,let me make that money I got that twitter doe @tyrannusnocens Follow me on Instagram for updates and little looks into the life @jesse_double_effing_dee And soon I plan on getting my youtube channel going,so check in on these platforms for updates!