Profiilibanneri – uedamascout

8 t. seuraajaa


Lähettää peliä EVE Online45 katsojaa

24/7 System Scouting for all haulers and gank dodgers! Eyes on Uedama, Sivala, Ohide, Odin, Esescama, Sasoutikh Tama, and Ahbazon Gatecamps! Where else would you guys like to see? Comment it in the suggestion box!


HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF ISK GIVEN AWAY DAILY! We run giveaways randomly throughout the day, so stay tuned for your chance to enter and win! We give 30 minutes before each "Marbles on Stream" race for viewers to enter, and the winner of the race is the winner of the giveaway! Make sure you are here when the race ends, because you have to be present to claim your prize, otherwise it goes to the next place! We also do large giveaways once a week! Make sure your in-game name is registered by typing: !ign yourInGameName Next LARGE Giveaway!: ##WHO WANTS TO BE A BILLIONAIRE?? Eve Date: June 24TH Eve Time: 19:00 Prize: PALADIN BATTLESHIP! Last Week's Kronos: @Tobee24 congratulations!!


##Everyone Commands: !whois {name} - Info about a character, corp, or alliance !lastfkill {system} - Recent freighter kill in system !lasthkill {system} - Recent hauler/transport kill in system !routecheck {start} {end} - Route check URL !shipfit {ship} - Good fit for hauling ship !tip - Random Eve tip !skillsh - Important Hauler Skills !skillsf - Important Freighter Skills !skillsdst - Important DST Skills !skillsbr - Important Blockade Runner Skills !skillsjf - Important Jump Freighter Skills !magic14 - Magic 14 skills ranked by how important they are to haulers !whereis - Location info for key figures. !corruption - displays all the corrupted/insurgencies as marked by the moderators ##Mod-Only Commands: !uedamared - Gankers in Uedama !sivalared - Gankers in Sivala !ghethred - Gankers in Gheth Pipe !uedamaflash - Gankers flashing in Uedama !sivalaflash - Gankers flashing in Sivala !ghethflash - Gankers flashing in Gheth Pipe !uedamaclear - Uedama is clear !sivalaclear - Sivala is clear !ghethclear - Gheth is clear These are tied to the !corruption command: !s1 {system} - adds the system to the Stage 1 list and deletes from others !s2 {system} - adds the system to the Stage 2 list and deletes from others !s3 {system} - adds the system to the Stage 3 list and deletes from others !s4 {system} - adds the system to the Stage 4 list and deletes from others !s5 {system} - adds the system to the Stage 5 list and deletes from others !deletecorruption {system} - deletes system from the corruption list !clearcorruption - Clears all the systems from all the lists These are tied to the !whereis command: !aiko {system} - Logs Aiko Danuja's location !safety {system} - Logs Safety's location !kusion {system} - Logs Kusion's location !several {system} - Logs of Several's location !apo {system} - Logs Apo Bong's location !lake {system} - Logs Lake of Tears location !hawk {system} - Logs Hawk's location


##[How Corruption Levels Work]( Basic Rundown for Haulers: Corruption 2: Pirate NPCs spawn and engage non-pirate enemies. Not high-damage, no web/tackle Corruption 4: Pirate NPCs spawn and engage non-pirate enemies. Not high-damage, will web/tackle Corruption 5: Highsec - CONCORD WILL NOT respond to criminal behavior (ganks) Lowsec - Interdiction Bubbles CAN be used by players ###To check all affected systems in-game, go to Activities -> Insurgencies in your Neocom. ---
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#Text to Speech Enabled on donations of $1 or more! Have your message read aloud on stream! Help us keep the server running, burning electricity 24/7 adds up ;) DONORS: . idklol . Thank you so much!!

We Have Merch!

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We're excited to introduce our new Zero Visibility apparel! Check us out on TeeSpring to support the stream!
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Current Sponsors: . . #[Fua Consternation]( Check them out in game and on youtube today! . . Each gatecam on this stream is an Omega account, and as you can imagine, the costs of plexing them all monthly adds up quick! Sponsoring a cam would entail plexing the account; basically by sending Jim Otsadat 2,400,000,000 ISK, which is the rough cost of 500 plex. This will grant one month of Omega to one account. During that month your 320px tall by 220px wide image, will be added on the stream in the revolving ad block on the bottom right of the stream! Contact Jim Otsadat in game for more details! Looking forward to hearing from you!
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###"If ever in doubt, check UedamaScout!" -khreet ###"This stream is a must have lol ! thanks to the team for saving all my ship xD" -Visible300 ###"This is probably the most useful channel on Twitch..." -hug0lopolus ###"Where has this been all my EVE life?" -bladactania ###"The hero we need not the one we deserve" -woollygoat ###"This is awesome, thanks for the tool" -DesmondTheJust ###"I am so glad I was told about this channel. Thank you for the "essential" service." -Data_Base_ ###"watching this is sometimes like watch 'Natural history' programs .. in Ahbazon right now, two pirates in a gnosis and a Exeq are hunting down a Navy Drake .. you kinda dont want to watch, but you cant not watch ..." -hug0lopolus ###"Just got through uedama with 5bil cargo, thanks uedamascout" -DSDistorted ###"this channel is a serious isk saver, Ahbazon heavly camped, will take the trip another time, tks" -Misumona ###"i love the content. ty for the "safe" intels provived" -zarkosdungeon ###"I wanted to say thank you. Data from here was instrumental in my being able to get business done today." -diamondseventeen ###"Thanks for keeping this channel going to help keep us haulers safe." -Manefesto ###"Your stream is fantastic keep up the great anti-ganking work" -NeonNxGreen ###"Thanks for the gate checks, got back into hauling contracts so it sure helps." -Azermiath ###"I go to this channel to listen to music" -vormakin ###"right so, i've no f****** idea who runs this s***, but god bless his a** for doing it!" -machopi81 ###"man this is super helpful just watched myself fly through lmao - will definitely be recommending xD" -oliskinner ###"Just gotta say I love this channel. I've been able to run 9.3b isk worth of goods through the Uedama checkpoint due to being able to Monitor "Safety." log-in times and activities. Thanks a bunch man. Appreciate you." -Lord_of_Mana ###"просто самый лучший и полезный стрим!уверен он не один корабль спас" -eveonline2033
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#Marsovac Qros - 5,000,000,000 Anonymous Gifter - 1,000 PLEX Happy DownUnder - 600 PLEX Livus Emikus - 500 PLEX Kansami Kusoni - 2,660,000,000 Aask3 - 1,000,000,000 Moba Omnia - 1,000,000,000 TkDista - 501,000,000 Cassie Hello - 500,000,000 Scott Kaine - 500,000,000 Fulgrim Agnon - 300,000,000 Roland Retkes - 270,000,000 Darius Stukeff - 250,000,000 Milios Striknor - 250,000,000 Milios Striknor - 250,000,000 Aulma Kusoni - 230,000,000 Steel Kado - 200,000,000 Ahri01 - 110,000,000 Anonymous - 100,000,000 Axiom J One - 100,000,000 Elizabeth Hawker - 100,000,000 Lucille Charante - 100,000,000 Francis Felidae - 100,000,000 Manno - 100,000,000 Dawnton - 100,000,000 Valor Caran - 100,000,000 Mitsuko Chan - 100,000,000 Andrew CTAXAHOB - 100,000,000 Hopelis - 100,000,000 Aze Azizora - 100,000,000 Angry Vasyan - 80,000,000 padorupadoru - 69,696,969 Shimano - 69,000,000 Ismen Aldonis - 58,839,498 TheDidact2 - 50,000,000 Kurumi Aisaka - 50,000,000 Dagon Talvanen - 50,000,000 Makas Miua - 50,000,000 Williamo16 Otichoda - 50,000,000 Foo Barland - 35,000,000 Danny Deras - 30,000,000 GerwazyPL777 - 28,500,000 Zubrilka Aivoras - 25,000,000 Ash Aviyl - 25,000,000 Thotamon - 25,000,000 Lord Rainstorm - 25,000,000 Dmitry Slowpoker300 - 25,000,000 Dram Talisker - 25,000,000 Ishoras Yaken - 20,000,000 Colin Brunner - 20,000,000 Jalxan - 20,000,000 Surra Co'pac - 20,000,000 PooPooKachuu - 20,000,000 Maxwell Perfectal - 15,000,000 Grug Pootawan - 12,000,000 Skiphop Vanu - 10,095,285 Beatka Pogotowie - 10,000,002 Vogon Hameraz - 10,000,001 Ardevaas Sirc - 10,000,000 Jagere - 10,000,000 atlant z2 - 10,000,000 Mathew Boyer - 10,000,000 Sascha Konietzko - 10,000,000 Nova Absolute - 10,000,000 Rob Rockport - 10,000,000 Daldrata - 10,000,000 Serkin Taz - 10,000,000 Kaeri - 10,000,000 Zola Peri - 10,000,000 Hugo Wilko - 10,000,000 Jim Outright - 10,000,000 anovergy - 10,000,000 Trader McCormic - 10,000,000 Bromancer - 10,000,000 Sparhawk Pug - 10,000,000 Seken Taz - 10,000,000 Cheetah Six - 10,000,000 Pricila Wurzbein - 10,000,000 Doekal - 10,000,000 Brymi Frostos - 10,000,000 ADM Sky - 10,000,000 Henter Bela - 10,000,000 The 420 Jesus - 10,000,000 Matt Hapinen - 10,000,000 Albin Malik - 10,000,000 IceQwen - 10,000,000 Ganjabus Pani - 8,000,000 kdqep - 8,000,000 MaksiWWGaming - 8,000,000 Zerkalo Sasen - 6,000,000 Serg Boba - 6,000,000 Donovon Frost - 5,000,000 Elizabeth Seria - 5,000,000 LalaLelo - 5,000,000 Trademaster Moonking - 5,000,000 Aero Pietrov - 5,000,000 Eze Occa - 5,000,000 Sayaka Saeki - 5,000,000 Kiri Do'Ethene - 5,000,000 Thomass Vanstead - 5,000,000 Najag Kolewa - 5,000,000 Zzed Zepher - 5,000,000 POWERFUL MASTERCHIEF - 5,000,000 Remus Vacui - 5,000,000 Tielen - 5,000,000 Eucleia Locris - 5,000,000 Jay Brooksn - 5,000,000 JegErDenJegEr - 4,500,000 The Zetture - 4,200,000 Injara - 4,000,000 Fake Guru - 3,000,000 Toon 310 Arbosa - 3,000,000 Esme Trapalot - 3,000,000 Ezra Salaz - 2,100,000 Jiiket Jouhinen - 2,000,000 Black Teacup - 2,000,000 Acadir Nimroren'a - 2,000,000 Toon 310 Arbosa - 2,000,000 Ariganu - 1,500,000 GerwazyPL777 - 1,500,000 Electric Haze - 1,300,000 Natalia Base - 1,250,000 Ivan arijn - 1,000,000 bieksal urban - 1,000,000 Amber Rains - 1,000,000 Zvenjersen Sarain - 1,000,000 impulse atlas - 1,000,000 Andy Xavier - 1,000,000 TitaniumJigalo - 1,000,000 Mika Arthie - 1,000,000 Galin 2217 - 1,000,000 Sejus Loev - 1,000,000 Xander Shepherd - 1,000,000 Musse - 786,431 Hamilton Garrison - 500,000 oscar Acha Calle - 301,049 Hodolski - 114,514 Vyte - 100,000 Joussi Bhuti Gyahss - 69,696 Conrad Vega - 25,000 Evana Patak - 20,000 Caledor tradesman - 15,000 Anichang Pi - 1,000 #Top Intelligence Agent ##pRyodon
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##In-Game Channel "[GANKER LIST]" has a lot of known gankers to add to your standings list ##Live Eve Help Desk opens at 18:00 Eve Time: [Help Desk]( ###[Eve Hauling Advisor]( ###[Check Before you Jump]( ###[Pilot Optimizer]( ###[Trusted Citadels according to PushX]( ###[Structure Trustworthiness]( ###[Public Structures]( ###[Triglavian Status]( ###[EvePraisal]( ###[Eve Route Map]( ###[Hauler Size Chart](
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. #funpoliceee #scubamerch #hug0lopolus #pryodon #idifee #happyappy1 #tkdista #taijuten #remoh2375 #manefesto #fufcan #xamirozar #zkyt82 #glipglop17 #baldosrs #sypheris25 #xblackdogs #garth33 #nagrii #atomant321 #Mirviriam . Thank you guys so much! . . . #Moderators TKdista xamirozar garth33 Hugolopolis Bombspecialist . Thank you guys for your service! .
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###[Eve Online Down the Rabbit Hole]( ###[Guide to Space Trucking]( ###[So you wanna be a space trucker?]( ###[PushX Hauler Academy: Cloak/MWD Trick]( ###[FULL Mining Guide!! Mine Safely And Make ISK!!]( ###[Anti-Ganking Corp!]( ###[EVE Help Desk - Week 4 Highlights]( ###[Eve online - Beating the gate camps - Fua Consortium]( ###[ГАЙД ДЛЯ НОВИЧКОВ EVE Online / ИВ Онлайн КАК ЛЕТАТЬ В ОПАСТНЫХ СИСТЕМАХ, КАК ПОЛЬЗОВАТЬСЯ ПОДСКАНОМ]( ###[Eve Online - How to Haul - Strange Net]( ###[EVE Hauling For Great Secondary Income](

I'm New To Eve, What Am I Looking At??

Eve Online is a space-set sandbox MMORPG where players pilot ships to interact with the galaxy however they wish! Players mine minerals, PVP with others, and some even conquer swaths of space to rule as their own empire. The entire economy of the game is player driven. If you want to fly a ship, that ship's materials were mined, hauled, and manufactured by players. Because of the player driven nature, in order to get your minerals to a refinery or your goods to market, a player must haul them. They do so in small nimble transports or large hulking freighters. However, the distance between where your goods are and where they need to be is often vast, and space is rarely safe. “Gankers” short for “gang-killers” will often set up at choke points and wait to ambush an unaware high value target to take the loot he was hauling. This stream provides a live video feed of those major choke points, so haulers can know whether their route is safe or if the ganker menace is present.

Get 1,000,000 Skill Points When You Sign Up!

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Kills in last 1 hour brought to you by: [Eve Gatecheck!]( Music by CCP, compiled by Viktor Sebők [here]( 3 most recent freighter highsec ganks brought to you by [zkillboard](

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