79 urmăritori


Ujaviji redă în flux Fall Guys și Among Us.

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Once again I am taking part in Extra-Life! It is a charity by gamers for gamers to do some good in the world and all donations go to helping a local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. If you feel so inclined to donate just click on the banner to be taken to my donation page. Thanks!
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Hey guys, I'm Ujaviji! Welcome to my channel. I'm just getting sorted into the world of streaming but I'm by no means new to gaming. My games style ranges from MMO's to RPG's to the occasional shooter to throwback games like Legend of Zelda. With this Variety Streaming I'll be showing off what I'm currently playing so check back regularly for different games and styles.
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Learn when I'm going live here!
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The picture equivalent of Twitter can be found here!
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Donations or tips are never required, and you can probably find a better use of your money, but if you feel so inclined you can donate here!