Profile banner for ukiyonoiro



Hi, I'm Uki ✨ (J)RPGs, Indie Games, bad jokes and good vibes 🌸🌿✨

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### **Hey there! (´。• ᵕ •。`)** My name’s **Kristin** (she/her) and I like really bad jokes. Like myself. I am an undercover German potato looking to have a good time and to share my experiences with you. I speak **English, German**, some **Japanese** and some **French**. My favorite game genre are **(J)RPGs**, Indie and Adventure. Big plus if it's open world, since I’m more the explorer and collector, but it’s not a must. My favorite games of all time include the **Xenoblade Chronicles, Zelda and NieR** series. Other than that, I'm interested in **Japanese culture** and I like **plants, dinosaurs, mechas, coffee, acrylic painting** and doing *embarrassing* granny activities like **crossword puzzles**. If you've read this far, your attention span is probably already longer than mine. (*゚▽゚ノノ゙☆ If you have more questions, feel free to ask them anytime as long as they are respectful! Thank you for your time and maybe see you soon? **Contact**:
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✧ **Monday** ✧ **Thursday** Currently playing Omori! Stream usually starts around **8-9PM CET/UTC+1**. I'm always announcing the exact time on **Discord**. If you want to join, you can find it down below!
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**✧ Currently playing ✧** + Omori **✧ Planned ✧** + Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom **✧ Finished ✧** + Pokémon Legends: Arceus + Eastward + Stray Cat Crossing + Pony Island + Disco Elysium + Zelda: Minish Cap + Xenoblade Chronicles 3 + Pokémon Violet + Night in the Woods (paused) + Xenoblade Chronicles DE (paused)
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✧ **You wanna see some cringe?** → [TikTok]( ✧ **Fandoms, whining and announcements** → [Twitter]( ✧ **Clips and Shit** → [Youtube ]( ✧ **New pics yearly** → [Instagram](
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**Interested in joining the community? (ノ´ヮ`)ノ✧: ・°** Looking for a **safe space** to chat about **games, anime, series/movies, or music**? Do you want to **play together** with others or find **fellow players**? Or you never wanna miss any **announcements**? Then feel free to join our community! We are looking forward to welcoming you! (Please note, the server is 18+! Thank you!) ✧ [**Click here to join**]( ✧
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**Actually interested in my equipment? \(º □ º l|l)/** Well, I got you! Here's the stuff I'm currently using! ✧ [Webcam]( ✧ [Capture Card]( ✧ [LED strip]( ✧ [Ringlight]( ✧ [Galaxy Projector](