ungodlyaudrey için profil afişi

324 takipçi


Formerly known as ZedIsDead. The very varietyest of variety streamers and self-proclaimed Queen of Jank. Any game from 1980 to today is fair game here!

Panel İçeriği
I'm a 36-year old transgender girl who tends to play older games. I grew up with Game Boy and Nintendo 64, which forged a life-long love of Nintendo. As I got older, I got into PlayStation, starting with the PS2. I play computer games from time to time, as well. Outside of gaming, one of my favorite hobbies is to watch terrible movies. If you're looking for top-level MLG gaming, this isn't the place for you. I tend to mostly play single-player games since I'd get wafflestomped in competitive play. Furthermore, I'm trying make an effort to actually beat some of the games I own, so most of my playthroughs are going to be blind. Come, chill, and have a good time, and don't forget to laugh when I get salty. I have a Discord for this channel. You can use it to suggest ideas for the stream or to just get ahold of me offstream. [Discord](https://discord.gg/8F5x8nz) Follow me on Mastodon, if you're so inclined: @UngodlyAudrey@retro.pizza This channel has some custom bit alerts! 3 bits - Pie... ass? 9 bits - Wilford Brimley commercial 15 bits - Feel the power of my magic! 24 bits - Run Away! 30 bits - Yes, yes 35 bits - How many assholes do we got on this ship, anyway? 37 bits - Salt is a way of life 46 bits - Birdemic 55 bits - UNLIMITED POWER!!! 60 bits - Cooking with Scorpion 68 bits - We were on the verge of greatness 69 bits - Nice 70 bits - Garbage Day! 72 bits - Yes, Neil Breen used THIS take 84 bits - America 97 bits - Zed's Dead 100 bits - I don't like sand 125 bits - It's still good! It's still good! 267 bits - 10,000 souls 1000 bits - Infogrames Rocks My World
Panel İçeriği
I prefer to keep things mostly relaxed in chat. Don't be a dick to others or be excessively annoying. Be respectful to everybody. I'll let you know if you're crossing a line. No Nazis, no TERFs. By watching this stream, you'll accumulate more and more useless JankBucks. They are not legal tender for anything, even on this channel. That's why nearly all of the redeems on this channel cost only 1 JankBuck. That way, you can't get rid of them!
Panel İçeriği
I no longer keep a set schedule. I never could hold myself to it, anyway. I'll go live when I have the energy to stream.
Panel İçeriği
I'm a game collector, so I can't resist whenever I see an even remotely intriguing game at a low price. However, I don't have unlimited free time, so I don't get around to very many games. I want to change that at least somewhat, so I'm setting aside weekday nights to see if I can't make a dent in my backlog. If there's a game in my backlog that you'd like to see, please let me know. [Link to my backlog](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ytlJvKrP_3aJHtsv_w--oktW1hQyC-tCrhOTPMBit9I/edit#gid=0)