


Laid back variety streamer. I have a day job as a software engineer but since I've always had a bad habit of talking to myself while I game I figured why not share that nonsense with an audience as that makes it more fun.

Follower Goals: * 50: Drunken stream! - Reached! * 100: Play with viewers stream and giveaway - Reached! * 200: 12 hour stream - Reached! * 350: IRL cooking stream (Viewer request) * 500: TBD
Mostly run through RPG style games but don't be surprised to also find me playing these on occasion: * FFXIV * Overwatch * League of Legends * Space Engineers
Never expected, always appreciated.
Fan of just about all genres of games with a particular penchant for sci-fi and fantasy style. Looking to run through some favorites of mine that I think will be enjoyable to watch so feel free to tune in any time.