Profile banner for unsungpts




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Business Email: - Hello! My name is Unsung and I'm a jack of all trades League player! I've been Masters since Season 5 and know just about every champion in the game! My favorite Champions include: Sett, Samira, Yone, Yasuo, Aphelios, and Viktor. I'm currently working on my stream, and would love to have you all along with me on this journey!
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All donations will be used to further improve the stream and support me! Text to speech is active for all donations $1.00 and above. - Don't feel bad if you can't donate - Sub if you want to support me - Webcam at 1k subs
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- YouTube Channel for all of your favorite Unsung videos :^) - 3-4 Videos a week - Active community tab :^)
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- Community Discord for everything not on Twitch
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-xdd -Saturday Rare spawn chance -Sunday Rarer spawn chance
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- I tweet dumb shit