v1luxxtv 프로필 배너

팔로워 1,684명


I am 22 years old and I actually live in germany! Instagram: V1luxx

패널 콘텐츠
# **Hey!** >**First of all: here are the commands u can use: !drop, !discord, !donate (or !donation), !instagram, !steam, !time (or !uptime) and !rank** >**I am a 22 year old chick from germany that streams for fun and because I need the attention! ;)** >**I mostly play PUBG, CSGO, Warframe and Valorant but if you have any suggestions just write them in the chat! I will definitely check it out!** >>**Thank you!**
패널 콘텐츠
# **Questions?** >**If you have any questions about me, my friends, my life or anything else that you're interested in just write it in the chat! I will read it I promise ;)** >>**In case you wanna have cool panels as well check out rgcdesigning on fiverr! He did exctly what I asked him for and he did it super fast!**
패널 콘텐츠
# **You want to help out?** >**If you want to help a jobless student out feel free to do so! I would highly appreciate it!** >>**If you want to sub to me go ahead! It would make me really happy!**
패널 콘텐츠
# **Don't you dare!** >**I don't have a lot of rules for my chat and my stream.** >**I just want you guys to have fun! If you have anything to say or to criticize go ahead! Just try to not be mean and or racist or my mods will do something against it...hopefully!** >>**Thank you! :)**
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# **Check me out!** >**If you wanna stalk me a little bit: Here is my Instagram! (I would always appreciate a follow :D)**
패널 콘텐츠
# **When??** >**I mostly start my stream at 8:30 pm MEZ! I don't stream everyday but I try to do it as often as possible!** >**Or just come in my discord and hit me up with a message**