39 фолловеров


Lover of most games,RPG's tend to take my playtime, I've started my game's life with old classics (Alex the kidd, Fantasy Zone) My nostalgic period is with the N64 (Banjo Kazooie, Donkey kong). Normally found on twitch lurking as i play League of Legends (pure support player).


Содержимое панели
Be kind and courteous to everyone here! No spam of any kind, this includes all caps. No harassment; This includes Negativity English only please Any links posted in chat will be purged, if you want to link something just ask, as long as it's respectful it will be allowed!

About Me

Содержимое панели
English born gamer living in West America, Been here just over a year now and clinging to what accent i can. I enjoy a wide range of games but have recently enjoyed platform games and RPG's.