Profile banner for vampeloth



Hope your day/night fares well. I do variety; art and different games. You're more than welcome to just come and lurk, even if it's just for a couple minutes. Enjoy the goofiness.

Info about me

**Residence:** Finland, a country in Northern Europe. **Identity and pronouns:** Agender, they/them. Many things interest me, and like to discuss and learn more. I especially adore forest or space-themed stuff. When I ask "How're you doing?", I genuinely mean it. People live vastly different lives, and I like hearing about them, no matter how mundane it might seem. Preference in games is somewhat varied, though I commonly enjoy point-and-click puzzles, rhythm, farming, and various rouge-likes/-lites. I have some physical afflictions that affect what games, and for how long, I can play: - Bad blood-circulation to my hands and feet makes them colder than that of a regular person's. There are ways to mitigate it, some of it having to do with needing to keep track of my energy and stress-levels. - Currently there's also something in my upper back/shoulder area (possibly muscle-strain-related) that makes it so I get radiating, stinging pain from my back throughout my arm and hand.


- **No mentioning you're under 18, even as a joke.** This stream is intended for mature audiences. Doesn't mean explicit content will be shown, but that mature topics might be discussed here. - Only English and Finnish in chat, please. Other languages are difficult for me to moderate. - Be considerate of people, no hate speech is allowed. - Please no excess trauma-dumping. - No spoilers allowed, **unless specifically asked for**. General tips, like QoL about menuing and such, are usually ok. *A reminder that asking "Have you met/been to ____ yet?" could be a spoiler on it's own.* - No spam or self-promotion, unless I give permission or ask for it. - Stay safe, please refrain from anything very specific regarding your location. General depictions about places, like "in my city/village/region etc." is preferred. I have links turned off, which censors that part of a text. Got a question about a rule, or pondering if something is allowed? Ask, no way to know for sure otherwise.

What I appreciate to be poked about

- When the audio levels are wonky. For example if someone is too loud/quiet when playing with other people. - If the content tag or title is wrong. Most likely forgot to change it. - Reminders for posture, to stretch, hydrate and save a game/canvas. Fixating on one task can eat up more time than I realize. Could also be me thinking about it, but too stubborn to do so.