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Take refuge from the Wasteland at Vault 127! I am Thorgosh, your Overseer.

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###Hello, and welcome to Vault 127! I, **Thorgosh** (or *Thor* for short), am the Overseer at this humble residence Here at Vault 127, I strive to bring you high quality, interactive streaming that is entertaining and informative. If you have questions, feel free to ask! I enjoy video games, sports, and beer. I work at a sports bar with a huge beer selection and stream classic games. I enjoy doing what I enjoy. FeelsGoodMan I live in Texas and Dallas-area teams are "*my*" teams, if you also like sports. Baseball and Football (NFL) are my big two, but I watch a bit of everything, working at a sports bar. If you want to talk beer, I like hoppy, dark, or sour. Depends on the weather and what I am eating.
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###Hours: Working on nailing this down. My fiance and I are going through some changes at our places of employment, so our hours aren't quite set. Also, I can't neglect her for the stream, so I have to find time for our schedules to line up and prioritize there. Here shortly we'll have a more concrete schedule up; until then, however, be sure to hit that Follow button. I stream any time I am playing video games, which is frequently. ###Games: I plan on playing ALttP Randomizer up until the big tournament starts. At that point I will practice two days before my match, play my match, and work on learning a classic SNES JRPG Speedrun the two days after my match.
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Respect the mods. Assume I agree with them. No hateful speech in chat. I have mods and friends of different races, religions, and orientations. You have more time to think about what you are saying while typing; use it wisely. Other people might be new speedrunning or maybe just a specific run. Be kind and remember you didn't know a route/glitch/etc at some time as well. Don't ask for mod or to hop into the Stream's Voice Discord. It's a pretty good way to not get mod, and I try to pay pretty good attention to chat. Basically, don't be hateful; be helpful.
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###Why the Fallout motif when you play a bunch of classic games? I was originally going to stream as a BethSoft Modder. As a modder I streamed Bethesda games and showed off some mods, both my own projects (the one I'm most proud of has over 10k downloads with 4.5 Star rating at this point) and what others could do. However, I lost interest in the project. Modding and the 'rewards' received are a lot different than streaming. I enjoyed changing the game, but at the end of the day I didn't get to see anyone enjoy my product. Furthermore, you get comments as a modder (mainly to add something you have no intention of being in the mod lol), but you get conversation as a streamer. When I abandoned that project I just kind of drifted from the community as a whole, however I do enjoy the idea of the "Vault" as a community. ###Vault, Thorgosh, or Thor? I honestly don't have a preference. If you're trying to get people to come hang out with us, call me Vault to help figure out the channel name. I have a bunch of online handles and such that will say Thorgosh, and calling me Thor or Thorgosh is totally cool. No biggie either way. ###How long you been growing your hair/beard? A long time... Like a few years. The beard gets trimmed every now and then, but it's been a while and I need to get the mane trimmed as well. ###What's your favorite (insert typical gaming franchise)? The one I grew up with, or played most recently. No use getting into a major argument over it.
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#Come join the **[Vault 127 Discord](**! Check out all the awesome streams in **[The Galactic Gamers](**. Be sure to check out my **[roommate and good friend's stream](**. He's helped me a lot with getting everything set up and getting me streaming again. ##ALttP Players that have taught me everything I know: **[Arious13](** (air-ee-us) **[coblalala](** (cob) **[DevdoDiddilyDoo](** (dev-d'oh) ##Classic RPG players that have taught me everything I know: **[eLmaGus](** (el may-gus) **[gyre_](** (jire) (rhymes with hire) **[puwexil](** (pew-exil) **[VultuZ](** (vul-tooz) Here's a link the the **[ALttP Randomizer Discord](**.
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Click the banner, or **[click here to donate](**. I would like to be as transparent as possible with where your money is going. I work in the service industry and a good portion of my income comes from "tipping out". I would like to do the same here. 15% of the money I receive from streaming will go to things like **[FrankerFaceZ](**, **[the author of the font I use](**, etc. Another 10% will go back into the community. This will be done by subscribing to up-and-comings, donating to prize pools, etc. Another 25% will be donated to a charity of my choosing. I don't want to get into who I am supporting, because I saw a great deal of backlash with GDQ and who they were supporting and how they spent their money. I just don't want to get into that. Your money is going to help people or to fund research that will help people. The remaining 50% is split down the middle. 25% of the total donation will go to the stream, and 25% will be "mine". However, so long as I am having fun and the stream needs improvement the latter portion will likely be added to the stream as well. The money going to the stream will fund giveaways and the such once the quality of the stream is up to my standards. Stay tuned as the stream and our community grows. I would love to use this to give back where I can.
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Why should you get [FrankerFaceZ]( Do it for the LUL s. Do it because without it life FeelsBadMan. Do it because it gives you access you use and view several FFZ exclusive emotes in the channel. Do it because it gives you several FFZ exclusive emotes to use in any channel even if they don't have channel emotes. Do it for a new life in chat.
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#ALttP Randomizer: ###Standard NMG: 1:41:20 ###Open NMG: 1:44:44 ###Swordless NMG: 2:22:59