Profile banner for veitilein



HeyGuys, my name is Veit - World of Tanks player

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my playlists. <3 liquid dnb <3
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I'd never ask for any donations, but some guys really wanted to support me. Any tip is greatly appreciated and will be invested in Döner Kebab, improving the stream quality (proper webcam and microphone) or for giveaways. Just click the image above and a message will show up during the stream and will be read by a female bot (2€ upwards). #EARBOLABOIS Big Thank You to you guys: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Biggest Ds ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - skarium - Goatz - Tambors - Keezoo_ - TayTay - WeenisBae - H1ghb1rd - Houndsworth - Zinras - KingYoshiLuca - Sponge_BOT - cdumb - Diecee and all the other countless donators: HowTheStoryEnds, Remmke, xzempo, Joopsie, POtkanzoR, Spoink1337, OffCerium, TheGamingLion, Matejcro, Fosc0, 505t4, McMokka, Atrevir, TheDeadZone, Sieesch, Sekundenkleber, KridTV, ANIALLATOR, Aimdrol, Jonas, 4ndi_1983,raoulterlaak, Orzanel, lupin, zombiebears, king of denmark etc.
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If you care about numbers like us german engineers, then you can find everything stat related here: - [Wotlabs]( - [World of Tanks Profile]( - [WoTReplays](
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I have got a lot of 3MoEs already, click the image above.