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Headed by GimR & Aposl, Video Game Boot Camp is the leading Broadcaster for competitive Super Smash Bros. VGBC started in late 2008 when the Smash Community was much smaller. Through hard work & the support of the community we helped propel Smash into the scene it is today! Learn. Play. Win!

Founded by [GimR](http://www.twitter.com/vgbc_gimr) & [Aposl](http://www.twitter.com/vgbc_aposl), VGBootCamp is the leading Super Smash Bros. Live-Streamer and content creator [Website](http://www.vgbootcamp.com) [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/user/videogamebootcamp?sub_confirmation=1) - For The Latest Tournament Matches [Twitter](http://www.twitter.com/vgbootcamp) [Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/vgbootcamp)
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[Click Here For Tournaments](https://www.youtube.com/user/videogamebootcamp?sub_confirmation=1) [Click Here For Melee Highlights](https://www.youtube.com/vgbootcampmelee?sub_confirmation=1) [Click Here For Ultimate Highlights](https://www.youtube.com/vgbootcampultimate?sub_confirmation=1) [Click Here for Smash Bros. Guides](https://www.youtube.com/gimr?sub_confirmation=1)
Subscribe to VGBootCamp to support Smash! **PERKS:** Cool Subscriber Badge | Access to 22 original emotes | Ad-free | Not Affected By Chat Slow Mode | access to our [bi-monthly Ultimate Sub Tournament](smash.gg/everyoneishere). Make sure and [Join our Sub Discord too!](http://discord.gg/eTEUmT8)
[Click Here](http://bit.ly/vgbcsmashfacebook) to find your local smash scene! The Smash scene is one of the most welcoming gaming communities in the world! Come to a tournament. Anyone can enter!