Profile banner for vgplaysgames



Hi, I’m VG! I’m a queer and cussy retro/variety streamer and occasional YouTuber. I’m a fan of cats, puns, and making silly photoshop edits.

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**1. Be nice.** **2. No, seriously, be nice** "-isms" and bigotry in general won't be tolerated. **3. Don't backseat** Part of being a good host means talking to myself as I work out a problem. I will explicitly address chat if I actually want help
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Wanna make a dumb video clip happen? Cheer one of these amounts: 69 - Nice job 100+ - Gimme yo Money 420 - Smoke 2 Joints 1000+ - Dollarydoos 10000+ - Finna Kill You
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**Tuesday @9PM CDT:** Super Mario Maker 2 (Switch) **Friday @9PM CDT:** Mario's Super Picross (SNES)