Záhlaví kanálu vincent_

267 sledujících


I change this once a year. Boredom mostly. I'd like to announce my running for president of the yukislakia country and to be national king Sushi leader of all that was once great in the land of ye old wudduds and whoodundidids.

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I play this offline right now. It is great. You'd like it as well. "But it's anime Vincent"! Yep it is, stop being a wimp.
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You want a real snes or nes or analogue pocket game play? Pay for it. It costs like 500usd or something. You buy it I will use it. Otherwise, it is the emulator life.
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Nothing classy to see here, but some basic guidelines for being here. - Gems are reserved for Canadians. Yes , I'm singling you out. - I take the marijuana edibles. Swagas ate a 250mg gummy the other day and sent people pics of him sucking on the end of a garden hose. He does not recommend. :( - I'm sarcastic. I'm overly sarcastic. Does this not meet your needs? That's great! I'm sure one of the 1,203 mods can help you out the door. - Do you enjoy whining? Let me introduce you to local canadian therapist Flyingfides. You think you got issues? He will make your issues look like small potatoes compared to his. - Chainsgoldmask is a bit unbalanced. So unbalanced that he won King of the Ring in 3cats' room. He will make sure you know he did, try it out. - The internet grew up on ascii drawings. Do they offend you? Twitch has a new AI system which catches them, so good luck. - This by no means is a PG stream. I curse. I burp. I tend to say terrible things which I'm sure are frowned upon by the snowflake communities, but, this room is set to 18+ mature rating for a reason. - Brig and Fides will eventually kiss. I'm 99.9% positive. - The Pink Gem is reserved for Canadians. I can't say this enough times. - I absolutely love backseating. I really think I'm the only one on twitch that does. So if you see me fucking up or think you know a better way, by all means, tell me why you're perfect and I'm not. - Juronu is 55 He's really old and now considered a local criminal around here. Mods time him out on sight. - I'm in a bet with dewystine that if I finish Cobra Kai - He will play Terminator 2. He's trying to wiggle outta the deal, It is now 2024, I didn't beat it yet. I threw my PS4 down a hill. - I miss what twitch used to be, not the current overly sensitive feel good bullshit everyone is trying to pull to get subs and bits. I will call you out on your shit, don't test me. - Whtiesmoke08 haz smol pepe.
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To those people who I wish to show appreciation to... - Ten63 for doing the emotes - Rath9 for getting me to 50 sub points - 3Cats for the bits. - Sushi
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I returned to this game for a few streams and asked Juronu if he wanted to play. I was told that he deleted it because I ditched him for better pastures. He's a pussy. I'll play it occasionally,