vindiecator 프로필 배너

팔로워 94명


Vindiecator님이 팔리아, Fae Tactics, Spiritfarer 방송 중

패널 콘텐츠
Hi I'm Vindiecator, a lifelong 40+ gamer. I have enjoyed exploring new games, new worlds since my Commodore 64 days. While I would happily dabble in all kinds of games I have a deep love of tactical turn-based and strategy gaming, with a side order of Survival, Action, or RPG. The games that have inspired me over the last decade have all been Indie games, hence the title of vINDIEcator.
패널 콘텐츠
I would dearly love to be able to showcase the amazing wealth of Indie games being developed both new and old on this channel. From the 6th of July I sadly have to return to work. This glorious era of full time streaming is over..for the moment. My schedule will be ever more erratic but I can hopefully earmark slots for streaming as I receive my rota each week. I want to throw out a massive thank you to all the support I have received over the last 3 months as I embarked on this adventure. It has been unforgettable and I am determined it will continue in some form.
패널 콘텐츠
Only do good things, don't do bad. If you don't know which is which, do nothing. :D
패널 콘텐츠
CPU - Intel i5-4690k GFX - GTX 960 RAM - 16GB
패널 콘텐츠
My current and exhaustive full time employment leaves little time so far for streaming. But any opportunity I have while awake and alert will be used. Currently this involves a good dose of Graveyard Keeper every available Sunday. With more time will come more games and more streams!