Profile banner for violet_paladin



Your local Puerto Rican paladin. A noble knight on an epic quest. Fear not, Violet is with you. Art by: Aura_draws

About Me

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I am an American fighting man, back home now streaming to relax with my friends. I do my best to complete games that people close to me cant, so they dont have to. So if you have a game thats keeping you up at night, call me and ill be there to help.


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I am a Puerto Rican (Wepa) born and raised in the USA. I served in the United States Marine Corps. I have a dedicated artist: AuraDraws. Fan art is appreciated, but I am not in the market for a new artist at the moment.


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I am not a big rules guy, right, so I will just ask not to be a problem to me or my community. I am not a safe space, and I welcome controversial topics-so long as theyre within the realm of the law and T.O.S. Remember that we are a team more or less so if there is a problem-there is also a solution. I have mods that can help with minor issues, and if I need to I will intervene. But yea, thats all I can think of. If I need to i will add or remove them as we go.


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Any and all donations are appreciated. Helping the channel keep its lights on is an invaluable kindness.


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Enter the Purpura Ecclesia and join the crusade! Relax in between missions with other faithful knights and partake in merry making


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My Twitter! come on by and say hi.


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my vod channel! eventually ill start to edit videos