Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho violettawitch

549 người theo dõi


Good witch? Bad witch? None of that matters here. Though if you'd like to find out 'witch' one, just interact with me. ;) Tell me, can you feel your heart burning? Can you feel the struggle within? The fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. You cannot kill me in a way that matters.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
>**Hi~ I'm Violetta (Vee-oh-let-tah) ♥ (she/it)** >I am a witch who was forsaken by my love to what I call the Void for quite some time, until I managed to find a door that led me to the Fae realm, and I slowly adopted traits of that world that twisted around my broken heart... >I've also discovered that I can travel back through the Void in search of other "doorways", one which allowed me back into this world. To help mend my broken heart, I seek human connection. If you notice some dark Fae traits developing on your person in time, don't worry about it..! ♥ >~~ >I am a variety streamer who likes to play or talk about whatever tickles my fancy! Usually I go for story games, action/adventure, platformers, or I even attempt art sometimes. I talk and get sidetracked a lot! >"She would be brilliant if she wasn't so stupid." - Someone, probably
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
>I'm not picky by any means, so my rules are pretty standard! >♥ 18+ / MDNI. I'm very vulgar. ♥ No hate speech (such as: transphobia/homophobia/sexism/racism/etc.) duh. ♥ English only. This is solely so I can understand you, as it's the only language know, sadly. ♥ Try not to repetitively self-advertise unless prompted. ♥ Please don't get parasocially toxic with me and test my patience. ♥ Respect and praise my best mod, krisseajelly. thx
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
>You can safely buy me gifts on Throne if you wish, but of course you're under ZERO obligation. Just click the image to be taken to my wish list! ♥
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Nội dung bảng điều khiển
>WANT SOME MORE? Join the [Court of Mystic Realms](, where you can interact and support this Witch, as well as other amazingly lovely otherworldly beings, if you wish! ♥
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Nội dung bảng điều khiển
>♥ [Twitter]( ♥ [Instagram]( ♥ [Bluesky]( ♥ [TikTok]( ♥ [YouTube](
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>All tips/donations are immensely appreciated! ♥ I cannot offer refunds, so only give what you can afford to, and of your own volition! Much love, Voidwings. ♥
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Nội dung bảng điều khiển
>**♥ Model Art + Design, Banner, & Familiar Art**: [karmakuha]( **♥ Icon**: [Eineko]( **♥ Emotes + BRB Art**: [krisseajelly]( **♥ Model Rig**: [Koi]( **♥ Start+End Screens**: [Mika]( **♥ Floating Witch Alert + Cry Emote**: [Loaf]( **♥ BGM**: [Kurai]( **♥ Stinger**: [Yago]( **♥ Logo**: [Erina]( **♥ Magic Circle Crest**: [Keksiik]( **♥ Chat + Game Overlay**: [Bananya-Bee]( **♥ Spray Bottle Redeem Asset**: [negativoZero_]( **♥ Dote Redeem Asset**: [Paleshaman]( **♥ Demisexual Pride Graphic**: [NoirCosmicaVT](