
Hey, my name is Andrew and this is just a hobby but it is also my dream to make this my job. Come by and chat!

Panel Content
If you would like to support the stream, you can directly donate to my Paypal. Anything above $1 will appear on screen and be read out loud. To donate, simply click on the picture above and you shall be redirected to the PayPal interaction
Panel Content
How old are you? - I'm 22 and my birthday is December 11th. Where are you from? - I am born and raised in Oregon. What games do you play? - I usually play what I am feeling, but some games I play are Rust, COD, CSGO, and Valorant.
Panel Content
Panel Content
$58 - brooks_dallas $45 - Parazozo $35 - TannerCarter $28 - Nizzlle $20 - Minifridgejr $20 - sc_viral $10 - Sp4rt4n777 $7 - Blindshrine $6 - Aimcrier $5 - Chris Johnson $4.20 - Carbon
Panel Content
- Good vibes - Be nice - No racism - No bullying
Panel Content
Follow my Instagram for clips and content also to notify you when I go live!