Profile banner for vixella




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♡ be kind and respect everyone. simple as that. ♡ no trolling, arguing, drama, etc. keep it peaceful. ♡ don't spam. nobody likes a spammer. ♡ i don't care if you curse, but do not curse at someone or use it in a negative or derogatory way. ♡ don't ask to be a mod. i choose them for specific reasons.
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♡ my name is sasha ♡ i play lots of cute games ♡ big yeehaw energy ♡ emotes: [uyuart](
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follow me on my other social media to keep up with my stupid sense of humor and check out what i'm doing when i'm not streaming! ♡ ♡ [youtube]( ♡ [twitter]( ♡ [instagram]( ♡ [stream reuploads](
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​subscribe to vixella on twitch for $4.99 for access to her emotes (usable all over twitch), ad-free streams, a cute sub badge, a special role + access to a sub channel in the discord and immunity to slow mode ♡ [click here]( to subscribe! ♡
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feel free to join my discord as a special thanks for the support! i look forward to hanging out with y'all ♡ [join here!]( ♡
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here is a list of all the commands that can be used in chat! they are on a cooldown to prevent spam. **!boyfriend** - kryticzeuz **!discord** - gives you info on the discord **!voices** - teaches you how to use funny voice text to speech **!uptime** - shows how long i've been live **!setup** - shop my setup **!controller** - link to my pink & blue controler **!stardew** - my stardew valley mods **!youtube** - gives you the link to my latest video **!socials** - gives you links to my social media **!sub** - gives you info on being a sub **!vixsmella** - the truth
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♡ monday ♡ wednesday ♡ friday time of day changes a lot, turn on notifs!