Profielbanner voor vlad_chess

1,9K volgers


Active chess coach, player, and casual streamer

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Started streaming: Feb 2020 Streaming frequency (updated 2024): 3 times per week Join the Discord to know when I'm live
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1. BodyForCloudSadDipshits 2. NikolaStojsin 3. Anonymous - TTS enabled above $3
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**What's your Elo?** Hovering around 2500 online in most time controls. Use !fiderating in chat to see my FIDE. **Why do you stream?** To keep myself accountable with my own chess study AKA not for fame. **Why always play classical music on stream?** Because it's copyright-free and I like it. **What's your real name?** Literally the one on my FIDE page. Stop asking this, it makes you look dumb. **How often do you play OTB?** As often as I can without running out of money. You can support by donating, which is the best way to support me and my chess adventures.
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It's a chess stream. You must be nuts to care about the specs...