Profile banner for wallygames



The Sugar King! Spreading Sugar wherever he goes!

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Hey there everyone! Appreciate you stopping by the channel! **SOCIAL** [Instagram]( [Twitter]( [Youtube](
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If you are so inclined, I would gratefully accept any monetary contributions you would be willing to donate to the stream! Thank you so much!


**BLIND PLAYS!** The most popular play around these parts, I take on a classic game I've never played (which btw, there's a lot of them)! Lots of shenanigans ensue as I test my gaming skill! **CASUAL PLAYS!** We play games and chill!
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1. Be Nice to Others! (From All Backgrounds!) 2. Respect Mods! 3. Keep things light. Please do not bring anything into the chat that is too personal or potentially overbearing out of respect for those who are coming here to escape that sorta thing. 4. Keep things upbeat! No negativity 5. Don't Be Spammy (unless you have permission) 6. Don't Demand Attention of Me or Mods 7. No Backseat Gaming or Real/Fake Spoils 8. Relax and Have Fun!