Profile banner for wanderingwlf



Call me Wolf. I really like playing anime trash.

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Greetings. This is the twitch channel of WanderingWlf. Please just call me Wolf or Wlf. THERE IS NO i. IT'S AN L, OKAY!?**Seriously.** I'm calm, composed, competitive and a lamer. I have a love/hate relationship with anime and fighting games.
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***** #As of recent this is what we've been doing on this channel: -I've generally been self-studying a lot of Japanese with VRChat. -Sometimes I play fighting games. -日本語をべんきょうします。 *****
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***** #Channel Discord ***** The Discord is invite-only to keep troublemakers at bay. However If you are a regular I will have no qualms inviting you. I know who all my regulars are including lurkers. (As you as you actually log on twitch.) If you'd like an invite to the Discord please message me on one of the contacts provided or through Twitch. Alternatively, subbing to the channel opens a door to the discord with twitch integration.
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***** Where you can reach or contact me. ***** [Twitter]( - Sometimes I tweet. [Steam]( - Maybe we can mas together! [YouTube]( - Hardly updated but might be worth checking out. [Discord]( | WanderingWlf#5656 - Best place to reach me for a chat.
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***** #Facts ***** -PST Time Zone (I live in California) -I'm off from work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. -On workdays I can stream as early as 5AM and as late as 1PM. -On my days off I stream for over 20 hours. *****
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***** 1. No one likes a backseater. 2. Be cool. *****
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***** Just send your loving bits otherwise you can click on the "Donations" image.